Today Slogan
ဒီေကဘီေအကုိေထာက္ခံပါ၊ဝုိင္းဝန္ကူညီပါ၊စစ္အာဏာရွင္အစုိးရကုိျဖဳတ္ခ်ပါ၊ဒီမုိကေရစီအစုိးရကုိတင္ေျမွာက္ပါNovemebr 12, 2010
As of today most of the 15,000 Myanmar refugees who fled into Thailand earlier this week, have returned across the border. Sites in northern Thailand's Tak province have been empty since Wednesday and further south in Sanghklaburi all 3,000 refugees were gone as of this morning. While many have returned to Myanmar others have dispersed and remain on the Thai side of the border. Other still have crossed back into Thailand again because of resumed fighting in some locations. UNHCR is currently working with NGOs and the local authorities to reach these isolated groups and assess their needs.
This morning, our field reports indicated fighting had re-erupted overnight and that there was potential for further clashes in the Myanmar villages of Maekata and Halokani. This was after the Royal Thai Army had given the all-clear for the refugees to return home. In light of the confused situation and the risks to safety, UNCHR is advocating with the Royal Thai Government that refugees be given further time before being encouraged to return home. We are particularly concerned about the safety of some of the returns on 10 and 11 November from Sangkhlaburi as fighting broke out again after refugees had gone back. As of this time UNHCR is not in a position to assess the voluntariness of all returns.
Overall, we feel that cooperation between UNHCR, NGOs, and the Thai authorities to provide assistance to refugees has been good. Although the time that most of the refugees spent in Thailand has been brief, in the three main sites (Mae Sot, Pho Phra and Sangklaburi) all parties coordinated well and necessary assistance has been made available.
ၾအာေရွ.ေတာင္အာရွသတင္းလြတ္လပ္ခြင့္အေထာက္အထားရုိက္ကူးေနသူသတင္းေထာက္ႏွစ္ေယာက္ဗမာျပည္မွ ႏွင္းထုတ္ခံရ
အေရွ.ေတာင္အာရွသတင္းလြတ္လပ္ခြင့္အေၾကာင္းအေထာက္အထားဗြီဒီယုိရုိက္ကူးေနသည့္အခ်ိန္တြင္း Long stay visa ရရွိထားေသာ္လည္းဗမာစစ္အစုိးရကအျမင္မေတာ္၍ႏွင္းထုတ္လုိက္ေၾကာင္းသိရွိရပါသည္၊
1:30 pmဒုကၡသည္ေတြကုိလုံျခဳံသည့္အခ်ိန္အထိေစာင့္ျပီးမွျပန္ပုိ.ရန္ယူအန္အိခ်္စီအာကထုိ္င္းအစုိးရကုိေတာင္းဆုိ
UNHCR urges more time for ensuring safety of refugees returning after Myanmar fighting
Briefing Notes, 12 November 2010
This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at the press briefing, on 12 November 2010, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.As of today most of the 15,000 Myanmar refugees who fled into Thailand earlier this week, have returned across the border. Sites in northern Thailand's Tak province have been empty since Wednesday and further south in Sanghklaburi all 3,000 refugees were gone as of this morning. While many have returned to Myanmar others have dispersed and remain on the Thai side of the border. Other still have crossed back into Thailand again because of resumed fighting in some locations. UNHCR is currently working with NGOs and the local authorities to reach these isolated groups and assess their needs.
This morning, our field reports indicated fighting had re-erupted overnight and that there was potential for further clashes in the Myanmar villages of Maekata and Halokani. This was after the Royal Thai Army had given the all-clear for the refugees to return home. In light of the confused situation and the risks to safety, UNCHR is advocating with the Royal Thai Government that refugees be given further time before being encouraged to return home. We are particularly concerned about the safety of some of the returns on 10 and 11 November from Sangkhlaburi as fighting broke out again after refugees had gone back. As of this time UNHCR is not in a position to assess the voluntariness of all returns.
Overall, we feel that cooperation between UNHCR, NGOs, and the Thai authorities to provide assistance to refugees has been good. Although the time that most of the refugees spent in Thailand has been brief, in the three main sites (Mae Sot, Pho Phra and Sangklaburi) all parties coordinated well and necessary assistance has been made available.
ၾအာေရွ.ေတာင္အာရွသတင္းလြတ္လပ္ခြင့္အေထာက္အထားရုိက္ကူးေနသူသတင္းေထာက္ႏွစ္ေယာက္ဗမာျပည္မွ ႏွင္းထုတ္ခံရ
အေရွ.ေတာင္အာရွသတင္းလြတ္လပ္ခြင့္အေၾကာင္းအေထာက္အထားဗြီဒီယုိရုိက္ကူးေနသည့္အခ်ိန္တြင္း Long stay visa ရရွိထားေသာ္လည္းဗမာစစ္အစုိးရကအျမင္မေတာ္၍ႏွင္းထုတ္လုိက္ေၾကာင္းသိရွိရပါသည္၊
Australian film crew deported from Burma
November 12, 2010 - 10:49AM
Australian authorities have raised concerns with Burma about the deportation of two Australian journalists from the country.
The Australian film crew were arrested and taken to a Burma airport by local authorities to be deported on Thursday night, despite the fact they held long-stay visas.
The crew was working on a documentary about independent media in South-East Asia, including the Myanmar Times newspaper and its Australian editor Ross Dunkley.
But the department says it holds concerns about the pair's deportation.
"We have raised the matter at a senior level in Rangoon, stressing that, in keeping with the provisions of the Vienna Conventions, we expect the Burmese authorities to advise the Australian Embassy immediately if an Australian citizen is detained by them," the spokesman said.
Reporting from Burma is notoriously difficult for journalists and many have been arrested and deported during the recent election period.
Australian authorities have raised concerns with Burma about the deportation of two Australian journalists from the country.
The Australian film crew were arrested and taken to a Burma airport by local authorities to be deported on Thursday night, despite the fact they held long-stay visas.
The crew was working on a documentary about independent media in South-East Asia, including the Myanmar Times newspaper and its Australian editor Ross Dunkley.
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A Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) spokesman said consular officials in Rangoon met the pair before they left and confirmed their well-being.But the department says it holds concerns about the pair's deportation.
"We have raised the matter at a senior level in Rangoon, stressing that, in keeping with the provisions of the Vienna Conventions, we expect the Burmese authorities to advise the Australian Embassy immediately if an Australian citizen is detained by them," the spokesman said.
Reporting from Burma is notoriously difficult for journalists and many have been arrested and deported during the recent election period.
November 11, 2010
SSA တပ္မဟာ ၁ ထိန္းခ်ဳပ္နယ္ေျမအတြင္း နအဖတပ္ တုိးျဖည့္ျဖန္႔က်က္
ျပည္သူ႕စစ္အသြင္ေျပာင္းရန္ျငင္းဆန္ေသာ အပစ္ရပ္ သွ်မ္းျပည္တပ္မေတာ္ ေျမာက္ပိုင္း တပ္မဟာ(၁ ထိန္းခ်ဳပ္နယ္ ေျမသို႔ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲမတုိင္မီ တပ္အင္အားတုိးခ်ဲ႕ျဖည့္တင္းထားေသာနအဖတပ္မ်ား ဆုတ္ခြါျခင္းမရွိေသးဘဲ ျဖန္႔က်က္ေနရာ ယူထား ေၾကာင္း စံုစမ္းသိရွိရပါသည္။
“အင္အား ၁၈၀၀ ေလာက္ရွိတယ္။ တပ္မဟာ ၁ ဌါနခ်ဳပ္ရဲ႕အေရွ႕ေတာင္ဘက္၊ ေတာင္ဘက္နဲ႔ အေနာက္ဘက္ေတြမွာ ေနရာယူထားတယ္ ” ဟု မိုင္း႐ႈးေဒသခံတစ္ဦးက ေျပာပါသည္။
သွ်မ္းျပည္ေတာင္ပိုင္း နမ့္ဇန္-က်ဳိင္းေတာင္းအေျခစိုက္ ခမရ ၅၆၉ ၊ ၅၇၄ တုိ႕ကေရြးေကာက္ပြဲမတိုင္မီလံုၿခံဳေရး အေၾကာင္းျပ ကာ မိုင္း႐ႈးႏွင့္မိုင္းနန္းဘက္သို႔ သြားေရာက္ျဖည့္တင္းခဲ့ျခင္းျဖစ္သည္။
“နမ့္ေလာင္းအုပ္စုကေန သံလြင္ျမစ္ တာ့ပိန္းဖိဆိပ္အဆင္း ကားလမ္း၊ တိဟုန္္းအုပ္စုက တာ့၀န္းေနာင္းကူးတို႔ဆိပ္အသြား ကားလမ္း၊ တိဟုန္္းအုပ္စုကေန မိုင္း႐ႈးအသြားကားလမ္း၊ေတာင္ဟ်ဳိးအုပ္စုအနားတ၀ိုက္နဲ႔ တိဟုန္္း အသြား လူသြားလမ္း လွည္းလမ္းေတြမွာ နအဖတပ္ခ်ပိတ္ဆုိ႕စစ္ေဆးေနတယ္။ ေနရာအခ်ဳိ႕ျဖန္႕က်က္ေစာင့္ဆုိင္းတယ္” ဟု ၎ကဆက္ေျပာပါ သည္။
ႏို၀င္ဘာ ၅ ရက္ကလဲ တိုင္းခ်ဳပ္ ဒုဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ၾကီးေအာင္သန္းထြဋ္ႏွင့္အတူ ေက်ာက္မဲအေျခစိုက္ စကခ ၁ ႏွင့္ တပ္မ ၅၅ လက္ေအာက္ခံ တပ္ရင္းခမရ ၅၀၅ (နမ့္လန္) ႏွင့္ခမရ ၁၁၄ (ေနာင္ခ်ဳိ) တုိ႔ကလည္း လားရွဳိးမွတန္႕ယန္းမိုင္းေကာင္သို႔ ေရာက္သြားၾကၿပီး ယေန႔တုိင္တပ္ရုပ္ျပန္ျခင္းမရွိေသးေၾကာင္း ေက်ာက္မဲေဒသခံတစ္ဦးက အခုလိုေျပာပါသည္။
“တိုင္းခ်ဳပ္ေအာင္သန္းထြဋ္နဲ႔အတူ တပ္ရင္းမွဴးေတြ မိုင္းေကာင္ဘက္သို႔ေရာက္သြားၾကတာ။ အခုထက္ထိဘဲ။ ေရွ႕တန္းရင္းမွဴး ေတြတပ္မဟာ ၁ ထိန္းခ်ဳပ္နယ္ေျမထဲ ေက်းရြာအုပ္စု ၃-၄ စုရဲ႕ ဥကၠ႒ေတြကိုသြားေခၚေတြ႕တယ္။ ထင္းေတြ၀ါးေတြဆင့္ဆုိ တယ္ ၾကာၾကာေနမယ့္ပုံဘဲ”
ယမန္ေန႔ ရိကၡာအျပည့္တင္ဆယ္ဘီးကားတစီးမုိင္းေကာင္ ခလရ ၃၃ ထဲေရာက္သြားေၾကာင္း နယ္လွည့္ျပည္သူ႕ ဆက္ဆံေရး တပ္ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖေရးအဖြဲ႔ကား ၄ စီးလည္းေရာက္သြားေၾကာင္း၊မိုင္းေကာင္ေဘာလံုးကြင္း၌ ယမန္ညက အဆုိအက ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖပြဲလုပ္ ေၾကာင္း မိုင္းေကာင္ေဒသခံတစ္ဦးက ေျပာပါသည္။
မိုင္းေကာင္ၿမိဳ႕နယ္ခြဲ ေတာင္ဘက္ ၇ မိုင္အကြာ ေတာင္ဟ်ဳိးႏွင့္နမ့္ေလာင္းေက်းရြာအုပ္စုအၾကား လြယ္ေဇာင့္ေတာင္ထိပ္ရွိ တပ္မဟာ ၁ တပ္စခန္းမွာမူတပ္ရုပ္ ဆုတ္ခြါျခင္းမရွိေသးေၾကာင္း သိရွိရသည္။
“အင္အား ၁၈၀၀ ေလာက္ရွိတယ္။ တပ္မဟာ ၁ ဌါနခ်ဳပ္ရဲ႕အေရွ႕ေတာင္ဘက္၊ ေတာင္ဘက္နဲ႔ အေနာက္ဘက္ေတြမွာ ေနရာယူထားတယ္ ” ဟု မိုင္း႐ႈးေဒသခံတစ္ဦးက ေျပာပါသည္။
သွ်မ္းျပည္ေတာင္ပိုင္း နမ့္ဇန္-က်ဳိင္းေတာင္းအေျခစိုက္ ခမရ ၅၆၉ ၊ ၅၇၄ တုိ႕ကေရြးေကာက္ပြဲမတိုင္မီလံုၿခံဳေရး အေၾကာင္းျပ ကာ မိုင္း႐ႈးႏွင့္မိုင္းနန္းဘက္သို႔ သြားေရာက္ျဖည့္တင္းခဲ့ျခင္းျဖစ္သည္။
“နမ့္ေလာင္းအုပ္စုကေန သံလြင္ျမစ္ တာ့ပိန္းဖိဆိပ္အဆင္း ကားလမ္း၊ တိဟုန္္းအုပ္စုက တာ့၀န္းေနာင္းကူးတို႔ဆိပ္အသြား ကားလမ္း၊ တိဟုန္္းအုပ္စုကေန မိုင္း႐ႈးအသြားကားလမ္း၊ေတာင္ဟ်ဳိးအုပ္စုအနားတ၀ိုက္နဲ႔ တိဟုန္္း အသြား လူသြားလမ္း လွည္းလမ္းေတြမွာ နအဖတပ္ခ်ပိတ္ဆုိ႕စစ္ေဆးေနတယ္။ ေနရာအခ်ဳိ႕ျဖန္႕က်က္ေစာင့္ဆုိင္းတယ္” ဟု ၎ကဆက္ေျပာပါ သည္။
ႏို၀င္ဘာ ၅ ရက္ကလဲ တိုင္းခ်ဳပ္ ဒုဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ၾကီးေအာင္သန္းထြဋ္ႏွင့္အတူ ေက်ာက္မဲအေျခစိုက္ စကခ ၁ ႏွင့္ တပ္မ ၅၅ လက္ေအာက္ခံ တပ္ရင္းခမရ ၅၀၅ (နမ့္လန္) ႏွင့္ခမရ ၁၁၄ (ေနာင္ခ်ဳိ) တုိ႔ကလည္း လားရွဳိးမွတန္႕ယန္းမိုင္းေကာင္သို႔ ေရာက္သြားၾကၿပီး ယေန႔တုိင္တပ္ရုပ္ျပန္ျခင္းမရွိေသးေၾကာင္း ေက်ာက္မဲေဒသခံတစ္ဦးက အခုလိုေျပာပါသည္။
“တိုင္းခ်ဳပ္ေအာင္သန္းထြဋ္နဲ႔အတူ တပ္ရင္းမွဴးေတြ မိုင္းေကာင္ဘက္သို႔ေရာက္သြားၾကတာ။ အခုထက္ထိဘဲ။ ေရွ႕တန္းရင္းမွဴး ေတြတပ္မဟာ ၁ ထိန္းခ်ဳပ္နယ္ေျမထဲ ေက်းရြာအုပ္စု ၃-၄ စုရဲ႕ ဥကၠ႒ေတြကိုသြားေခၚေတြ႕တယ္။ ထင္းေတြ၀ါးေတြဆင့္ဆုိ တယ္ ၾကာၾကာေနမယ့္ပုံဘဲ”
ယမန္ေန႔ ရိကၡာအျပည့္တင္ဆယ္ဘီးကားတစီးမုိင္းေကာင္ ခလရ ၃၃ ထဲေရာက္သြားေၾကာင္း နယ္လွည့္ျပည္သူ႕ ဆက္ဆံေရး တပ္ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖေရးအဖြဲ႔ကား ၄ စီးလည္းေရာက္သြားေၾကာင္း၊မိုင္းေကာင္ေဘာလံုးကြင္း၌ ယမန္ညက အဆုိအက ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖပြဲလုပ္ ေၾကာင္း မိုင္းေကာင္ေဒသခံတစ္ဦးက ေျပာပါသည္။
မိုင္းေကာင္ၿမိဳ႕နယ္ခြဲ ေတာင္ဘက္ ၇ မိုင္အကြာ ေတာင္ဟ်ဳိးႏွင့္နမ့္ေလာင္းေက်းရြာအုပ္စုအၾကား လြယ္ေဇာင့္ေတာင္ထိပ္ရွိ တပ္မဟာ ၁ တပ္စခန္းမွာမူတပ္ရုပ္ ဆုတ္ခြါျခင္းမရွိေသးေၾကာင္း သိရွိရသည္။
မုိင္းရွွဴးဖက္ရွိ နအဖတပ္ SSA တပ္မဟာ ၁ ကုိစတုိက္ျပီ
ယေန႕ ညေန ၅ နာရီ တပ္မဟာ ၁ ၀မ့္ဟုိင္းဌာနခ်ဳပ္ေတာင္ဘက္ ေက်းသီး- မုိင္းရွဴး ကားလမ္းရွိ ၀မ့္ေဆာ့မွာ အေျခစုိက္တဲ့ တပ္မ ၃၃ လက္ေအာက္ခံ အင္အား ၆၀ ေလာက္ရွိတဲ့ နအဖတပ္က ကားလမ္းအေနာက္ဘက္မွာရွိတဲ့ အပစ္ရပ္ သွ်မ္းျပည္ တပ္မေတာ္ တပ္မဟာ ၁ လက္ေအာက္ခံ တပ္ရင္း အမွတ္ ၂၄ ကုိ ဦးစြာ၀င္ေရာက္ တုိက္ ခုိက္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။Breaking News
Thursday, 11 November 2010 19:09 S.H.A.N.
Shan State Army (SSA) North’s Battalion 24 stationed at Kunkieng- Wan Lwe, 3 miles west of Wan Hsaw, a village between Wanhai, the main base of the SSA North, and Monghsu, was attacked by a unit from Light Infantry Division 33, at 17:00 local time, according to SSA sources.
“At first, the 33rd was encircling us,” said an SSA officer, “but now reinforcements from Wanhai are encircling the 33rd. “The fighting is still raging at the time of this reporting,” he added.
“At first, the 33rd was encircling us,” said an SSA officer, “but now reinforcements from Wanhai are encircling the 33rd. “The fighting is still raging at the time of this reporting,” he added.
နယ္စပ္တုိက္ပြဲသတင္းနဲ.ပတ္သက္၍ထုိင္းအစုိးရကေအးေအးေဆးေဆးျဖစ္သြားျပီဆုိသည့္သတင္းကုိဦးစားေပးေရးသားၾကပါသည္၊အေၾကာင္းက ေတာ့နယ္စပ္စီးပြားေရးမ်ားျမန္ျမန္ဆန္ဆန္ျပည္လည္လည္ပတ္ေစသည့္ဆႏၵရွိသည္၊ဗမာစစ္အစုိးရဘက္ကေတာ့စစ္ေျပးလူထုျပန္လာရင္ကာဗာအကာအကြယ္လုပ္ ဖုိ.ရည္ရြယ္ပုံရသည္၊အၾကားမွာစစ္ေျပးသူမ်ားကညွပ္ေနၾကျပီးေျပးလုိက္ျပန္လုိက္ျဖစ္ေနၾကပါသည္၊ဗမာစစ္အစုိးရဘက္ကေနျငိမ္းသက္သြားျပီးလုိ.ထုိင္း အစုိးရဘက္ကုိအေၾကာင္းၾကားခဲ့ျပီးထုိင္းအစုိးရကလည္းလက္မေႏွးဘဲျပန္သြားရျပီးလုိ.ဆုိျပီးစစ္ေျပးသူမ်ားကုိကားေပၚအၾကပ္တက္ခုိင္းျပီးျပန္ပုိ. လုိက္သည္၊ဟုိဘက္လည္းေရာက္ေရာ၊ေသနတ္သံေတြျပန္ၾကားေတာ့ ဒီဘက္ကုိျပန္လွည့္လာရသည္၊ဒီလုိနဲ.ဘဲရြာလည္ေနၾကသည္၊ဗမာစစ္အစုိးရ ကုိအကယ္၍တုိင္းရင္းသားတပ္ေပါင္းစုသေဘာနဲ.တုိက္ပြဲျဖစ္ရင္ထုိင္းအစုိးရဘက္ကတစ္မ်ဳိးတစ္ဖုံသေဘာထားျပီးကူညီမယ္လုိ.လည္းသတင္းထြက္ေနပါ သည္၊အဲဒီလုိျဖစ္လာရင္နယ္စပ္ေဒသကုိတုိင္းရင္းသားလက္နက္ကုိင္မ်ားကထိန္းခ်ဳပ္ႏုိင္သည့္သေဘာလုိ.ထုိင္းအစုိးရကယူဆထားသည္ဟုသိရွိရပါ သည္၊ဒါဆုိရင္၊ထုိင္းအစုိးရအေနနဲ.စစ္ပြဲႏုိင္သည့္ဘက္ကုိရပ္တည္ျပီးစီးပြားေရးလုပ္ႏုိင္သည့္ေပၚလစီကုိသာဦးစားေပးထည့္တြက္ထားေၾကာင္းပါ။
ရွမ္းျပည္မွ စစ္အစိုးရတပ္ရင္းမ်ား ကရင္နီျပည္တြင္းသို႔ စစ္ဆင္ေရးထိုးၿပီ
ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္ ကေလာဌာနခ်ဳပ္မွ တပ္မ ၅၅ လက္ေအာက္ခံ စစ္အစိုးရတပ္ရင္း သံုးရင္း ကရင္နီျပည္ လြိဳင္ေကာ္ၿမိဳ႕နယ္အတြင္းသို႔ ယခုလ ပထမအပတ္ကစၿပီး စစ္ဆင္ေရးထိုးကာ စစ္ေရးလုပ္ရွားမႈျပဳလုပ္ေနေၾကာင္း ကရင္နီျပည္ထဲေရးဌာနမွ တဆင့္ၾကားသိရသည္။
အဆိုပါစစ္ေၾကာင္းမ်ားမွာ တပ္မ ၅၅ လက္ေအာက္ခံ ခမရ ၅၁၂၊ ခမရ ၅၁၁ႏွင့္ ခမရ ၅၁၇တို႔ျဖစ္ၾကၿပီး ယခုအခါလြိဳင္ေကာ္ၿမိဳ႕နယ္ႏွင့္ ရွားေတာၿမိဳ႕နယ္အတြင္း ကရင္နီတပ္မေတာ္မ်ား လႈပ္ရွားေနသည့္ ေဒသမ်ား၌ နယ္ေျမရွင္းလင္းေရး ျပဳလုပ္ေနသည္ဟု ဆိုသည္။
“အခုစစ္ေၾကာင္းထိုးလာတဲ့ အေၾကာင္းအရင္းက ပြန္ေခ်ာင္းမွာျဖစ္ပ်က္ခဲ့တဲ့ စစ္ပြဲနဲ႔ဆက္စပ္မႈရွိတယ္လို႔ ယူဆထားတယ္။ ဘာျဖစ္လဲဆိုေတာ့ အခုလာတဲ့စစ္အၾကာင္း ၃ ေၾကာင္းထဲက ၅၁၂ နဲ႔ ၅၁၁ ဟာ ပြန္ေခ်ာင္းေဒသတ၀ိုက္မွာ ကရင္နီတပ္မေတာ္ေတြကိ ုလိုက္လံရွာေဖြေနတယ္။ စစ္ေဆးမႈေတြလုပ္ေနတယ္” ဟု ကရင္နီ ျပည္ထဲေရးဌာနမွ ဒု-၀န္ႀကီး ခူးေညးရယ္က ေျပာပါသည္။

ပြန္ေခ်ာင္းတံတားတိုက္ခိုက္စဥ္က တပ္စခန္းအား မီးရိႈ႔ဖ်က္ဆီးခဲ့ပံု (ဓါတ္ပံု-ဗိုလ္ၾကီးညားရယ္-G1)
ကရင္နီ ျပည္နယ္၊ လိြဳင္ေကာ္ႏွင့္ ရွားေတာၿမိဳ႕နယ္ အၾကားရိွ ပြန္ေခ်ာင္းတံတား အနီးတြင္ တပ္စဲြထားေသာ စစ္အစိုးရတပ္ ခလရ ၇၂ တပ္ဖဲြ႔အား ကရင္နီတပ္ရင္း ၃ ႏွင့္ ABSDF တပ္ရင္း(၄)တို႔ ပူးေပါင္းၿပီး ေအာက္တိုဘာလ ၂၆ ရက္ေန႔က သိမ္းပိုက္ခဲ့သည္။ သိမ္းပိုက္စခန္းအား မီးတင္ရွိဳ႕ၿပီး တံတားအားေဖာက္ခဲြကာ ျပန္လည္ဆုတ္ခြာသြားခဲ့ၾကသည္။
၎တိုက္ပဲြတြင္ စစ္တပ္ဘက္မွ ၄ ဦး က်ဆံုးကာ ၄ ဦးဖမ္းဆီးရမိၿပီး လက္နက္ႀကီးငယ္မ်ိဳးစံု ၉ လက္ႏွင့္ ခဲယမ္းမီးေက်ာက္မ်ားကို ကရင္နီႏွင့္ ABSDF တပ္တို႔မွ သိမ္းဆည္းရမိသည္။ ဖမ္းဆီးရမိေသာ စစ္တပ္မ်ားကို ျပန္လည္လႊတ္ေပးခဲ့ေၾကာင္း ကရင္နီတပ္မေတာ္တို႔က ဆိုသည္။
ABSDF ေက်ာင္းသားတပ္မေတာ္သည္ စစ္အစိုးရ ေရြးဆြဲခဲ့သည့္ ၂၀၀၈ ခုအေျခခံဥပေဒကို လက္မခံခဲ့သလို ျပဳလုပ္က်င္းပသြားၿပီးခဲ့သည့္ ၂၀၁၀ ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲကိုလည္း လက္မခံဘဲရႈတ္ခ်ထားၿပီး စစ္အစိုးရကို စစ္ေရးအရလက္နက္ကိုင္သည့္ နည္းလမ္းျဖင့္ တျခားတိုင္းရင္းသား မဟာမိတ္မ်ားႏွင့္အတူ လက္တြဲၿပီး ဆက္လက္ တိုက္ခိုက္သြားမည္ဟု ဆိုပါသည္။
ကရင္နီနယ္ေျမတြင္ ကရင္နီတပ္မေတာ္ႏွင့္ စစ္ေရးအရပူးေပါင္းလုပ္ရွားမႈႏွင့္ ပတ္သက္ၿပီး ABSDF ေက်ာင္းသားတပ္မေတာ္တပ္ရင္း(၄)မွ ဒု တပ္ရင္းမွဴး ကိုတင္ေမာင္ထြန္းက ယခုလိုေျပာပါသည္။
“က်ေနာ္တို႔ တပ္အေနနဲ႔ ပံုမွန္လႈပ္ရွားေနတာရွိပါတယ္။ ႏိုင္ရင္ႏိုင္သေလာက္ေပါ့ေနာ္။ က်ေနာ္တို႔ တပ္ဖြဲ႔ေတြ ကရင္နီတပ္ေတြနဲ႔တြဲၿပီး လႈပ္ရွားေနတာရွိပါတယ္။ အခုလဲ ေရွ႕တန္းနယ္ေျမမွာ လုပ္ရွားေနၾကပါတယ္။”
ကရင္နီျပည္တြင္ ၂၀၁၀ ခုႏွစ္အတြင္း ပံုမွန္လုပ္ရွားေနသည့္ ဒကစ လက္ေအာက္ခံတပ္ရင္း ၁၄ ရင္းရွိၿပီး ၎တို႔မွာ ကလရ ၅၄၊ ၇၂၊ ၅၃၁၊ ၄၂၈၊ ၄၂၉၊ ၄၃၀၊ ၁၃၄၊ ၁၃၅၊၂၅၀၊၂၆၁၊ ၁၀၂၊ ၅၃၀၊ ႏွင့္ ခမရ ၃၃၇၊ ၄၂၇ တို႔ ျဖစ္သည
၄း၄၃ ညေနပုိင္း
November 10 ThanShwe Order Attack on KNU Areas - Attck Into DKBA Area
Joint Statement 10:00 am
ဘက္ရွိ ပန္မုိင္းေဒသဘက္ကုိလွဳပ္ရွားေနျပီးရာဂဏန္းရွိေသာမြန္လက္နက္ကုိင္တစ္စုကလည္းဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္စစ္ေရးပူးေပါင္းရန္ရွိသည္ဟုေရးသားထားပါသည္။
ဘက္ရွိ ပန္မုိင္းေဒသဘက္ကုိလွဳပ္ရွားေနျပီးရာဂဏန္းရွိေသာမြန္လက္နက္ကုိင္တစ္စုကလည္းဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္စစ္ေရးပူးေပါင္းရန္ရွိသည္ဟုေရးသားထားပါသည္။
Border townships not fully secure yet
Published on November 11, 2010
The situation on the Thai-Burmese border was still uncertain yesterday, because the Burmese military has not completely secured the towns yet.
Myawaddy was relatively calm after fighters from the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) retreated and Burmese troops regained control. The last group of refugees fleeing the clashes since Monday has been repatriated, a district official said.
Fighting between the guerrillas and Burmese troops reportedly continued early yesterday in the area opposite Tak’s Phop Phra district, causing an influx of a few thousand refugees.
However, some 2,000 refugees left for home yesterday afternoon after they were told the situation was normal, district chief Poj Ruwo-ranond said.
There were reports of a small clash in the border area near Phop Phra late Tuesday with no casualties, he said.
Tak Governor Samart Loyfa voiced concern about the situation in Phop Phra district because it is situated opposite a DKBA stronghold and the Burmese military might launch a major offensive on the Karen minority soon. If a new round of fighting erupts, the situation in the border area near Phop Phra district might be more serious than it was in Mae Sot, he said.
Meanwhile, the situation in Pyaduangsu opposite Kanchana-buri’s Three Pagodas Pass was said to have eased though the 3,000 or so Burmese refugees refused to return because they were not sure about the situation, Sangkhla Buri district chief Chamras Kangnoi said.
The last sound of firing was heard in the early hours of yesterday, and it appeared there was no fighting during daytime, he said.
“The two sides are having a confrontation, but as far as we know, they are trying to negotiate a ceasefire,� Chamras said.
However, reports from border sources say otherwise. Some 300 armed Karen fighters yesterday retreated 5-6 kilometres farther into the district of Ban Mai on the Burmese side, they said. A few hundred Mon fighters moved to join the DKBA, the sources said, noting there were no signs of negotiations.
“It seems like the minorities are preparing to open a new round of attacks against the government base in Pyaduangsu,� a security official said.
Meanwhile some 300 Burmese troops were sent to secure Pya-duangsu town in preparation, he said.
A major problem in Sangkhla Buri is that local authorities are running out of funds to provide assistance to refugees, the district chief said.
“We need some Bt500,000 day to provide them with food, and the Bt1 million we were given is only good for two days,� Chamras said.
Commander of the 9th Infantry Division Maj-General Tawan Ruangsri said Thailand would only provide humanitarian assistance to refugees, adding that no armed groups would be allowed to use Thai territory as a base to fight against Burma.
Fighting between the guerrillas and Burmese troops reportedly continued early yesterday in the area opposite Tak’s Phop Phra district, causing an influx of a few thousand refugees.
However, some 2,000 refugees left for home yesterday afternoon after they were told the situation was normal, district chief Poj Ruwo-ranond said.
There were reports of a small clash in the border area near Phop Phra late Tuesday with no casualties, he said.
Tak Governor Samart Loyfa voiced concern about the situation in Phop Phra district because it is situated opposite a DKBA stronghold and the Burmese military might launch a major offensive on the Karen minority soon. If a new round of fighting erupts, the situation in the border area near Phop Phra district might be more serious than it was in Mae Sot, he said.
Meanwhile, the situation in Pyaduangsu opposite Kanchana-buri’s Three Pagodas Pass was said to have eased though the 3,000 or so Burmese refugees refused to return because they were not sure about the situation, Sangkhla Buri district chief Chamras Kangnoi said.
The last sound of firing was heard in the early hours of yesterday, and it appeared there was no fighting during daytime, he said.
“The two sides are having a confrontation, but as far as we know, they are trying to negotiate a ceasefire,� Chamras said.
However, reports from border sources say otherwise. Some 300 armed Karen fighters yesterday retreated 5-6 kilometres farther into the district of Ban Mai on the Burmese side, they said. A few hundred Mon fighters moved to join the DKBA, the sources said, noting there were no signs of negotiations.
“It seems like the minorities are preparing to open a new round of attacks against the government base in Pyaduangsu,� a security official said.
Meanwhile some 300 Burmese troops were sent to secure Pya-duangsu town in preparation, he said.
A major problem in Sangkhla Buri is that local authorities are running out of funds to provide assistance to refugees, the district chief said.
“We need some Bt500,000 day to provide them with food, and the Bt1 million we were given is only good for two days,� Chamras said.
Commander of the 9th Infantry Division Maj-General Tawan Ruangsri said Thailand would only provide humanitarian assistance to refugees, adding that no armed groups would be allowed to use Thai territory as a base to fight against Burma.
Myanmar rebel groups form new alliance: activist
(AFP) – 8 hours ago
NEW YORK — Six Myanmar ethnic rebel groups have formed a coalition to step up hostilities with the country's junta, a representative for an activist group said.
Three of the groups had previously signed ceasefire accords with the junta, which faces renewed international criticism over the country's November 7 national election.
The alliance accord was made three days before the election at a meeting in Thailand, Gum Sang Nsang, a representative of the Kachin National Organization said following a meeting at the UN headquarters late Tuesday.
The Kachin National Organization is allied to the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), one of the signatories.
He said the others were the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), the Karen National Union (KNU), the Mon New State Party (MNSP) and the Shan State Army-North (SSA-N). Together they could muster at least 30,000 fighters, he said.
The Kachin group, the MNSP and the Shan State Army had all signed ceasefires with the junta but had become disillusioned and rejected the outcome of the vote, said Gum Sang Nsang.
He warned that hostilities would increasingly be moved to urban areas. "The war will no longer be restricted to the jungle."
Gum Sang Nsang said the junta and ethnic rebel groups had both reinforced their troop numbers in disputed areas since the election.
The Myanmar government has battled ethnic rebels since the former Burma gained independence in 1948.
In border areas where civil war continues, rights groups have accused the junta of waging a brutal counter-insurgency campaign involving the rape, torture and murder of villagers whose homes are routinely destroyed.
November 10, 2010
KNU Statement Condemning Election-Related Violence in Burma’s Border Areas eng.
၁၂း၀၀ ေန.လည္
KNU Statement Condemning Election-Related Violence in Burma’s Border Areas eng.
ကယန္းျပည္သစ္ပါတီ အေျခစိုက္ရာေဒသမွာ နအဖ တပ္အင္အားတိုးခ်ဲ႕
ႏို၀င္ဘာလ ၁၀ရက္။ ေစာခါးစူးညား (ေကအိုင္စီ)
ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္ေတာင္ပိုင္း ဖယ္ခံုၿမိဳ႕နယ္ရွိ နယ္ျခားေစာင့္တပ္ႏွင့္ ျပည္သူ႔အသြင္ေျပာင္းလဲရန္ ျငင္းဆန္ေနသည့္ ကယန္းျပည္ သစ္ပါတီ(KNLP) အေျခခ်ေနထိုင္သည့္ေနရာကို ယခုရက္ပိုင္းမ်ားအတြင္း နအဖ ေဒသကြပ္ကဲေရးစစ္ဌာနခ်ဳပ္(ဒကစ) လက္ ေအာက္ခံ တပ္ရင္း ၄ရင္း လာေရာက္အင္အားတိုးခ်ဲ႕ေနသည္ဟု စံုစမ္းသိရွိရသည္။
ၿပီးခဲ့သည့္ ေအာက္တိုဘာလ ၁၉ရက္ေန႔မွစ၍ အဆိုပါေဒသကို နအဖ ဒကစ လက္ေအာက္ခံရင္း ၄ရင္းျဖစ္သည့္ ခမရ(၃၃၇)၊ ခမရ(၈၅)၊ ခမရ(၂၂၃)ႏွင့္ ခလရ(၄၂၁)တို႔ (KNLP)နယ္ေျမအတြင္း နအဖ တပ္အင္အား လာေရာက္ခ်ထားေၾကာင္း ကယန္းမ်ဳိး ဆက္သစ္ လူငယ္မ်ားအဖြဲ႕(KNGY)၏ သတင္းႏွင့္ ျပန္ၾကားေရးတာ၀န္ခံ ခြန္းေရာ္ဘင္ဆန္က ေကအိုင္စီကို ယခုလိုေျပာသည္။
သူက “ကယန္းျပည္သစ္ပါတီက နယ္ျခားေစာင့္တပ္ေျပာင္းဖို႔၊ ျပည္သူ႔စစ္အသြင္ေျပာင္းဖို႔ လံုး၀ လက္မခံဘူးေလ။ အဲဒါေၾကာင့္ နအဖက အခုလို လာၿပီး စစ္အင္အားနဲ႔ လာၿခိမ္းေျခာက္တာ ျဖစ္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။”ဟု ေျပာဆိုသည္။
သို႔ေသာ္ အဆိုပါ နအဖ တပ္ရင္းမ်ားသည္ ဖယ္ခံုနယ္ၿမိဳ႕နယ္၊ ကယန္းေဒသအတြင္း လာေရာက္လႈပ္ရွားေသာ္လည္း လူ႔အခြင့္ အေရး ခ်ဳိးေဖာက္မႈမ်ား တစံုတရာ ျပဳလုပ္ျခင္းမရွိေၾကာင္း ဖယ္ခံုေဒသခံ ျပည္သူမ်ားက ေျပာဆိုေနၾကသည္။
ကယန္းျပည္သစ္ အေျခစိုက္ရာေဒသတြင္ ယခုလို တိုးခ်ဲ႕ေရာက္ရွိလာသည့္ အင္အား ၂၀၀ ၀န္းက်င္ရွိ နအဖ တပ္ရင္း ၄ရင္း ႏွင့္ နယ္ေျမခံ ခမရ(၃၃၆)တပ္ရင္းမ်ားသည္ ဖယ္ခံုၿမိဳ႕နယ္ရွိ ဆီးဘူး၊ ျပင္ေဆာင္၊ ေက်ာက္ေဆာင္ဖူးေလာ၊ ကန္ဆန္း၊ ေတာင္ တန္း၊ ေရကန္ဖူးေလာ၊ သိုတန္၊ မိုးၿဗဲ၊ ပီကင္း၊ နန္းကဲ၊ ၀ါေဆာင္၊ လန္းေဂါ၊ ဘိုဘ်ာ၊ ေတာင္ျမင့္၊ စီလီသလန္၊ ဇီးျဖဴေတာင္၊ ရြာ တန္းရွည္၊ လံုးကဲ၊ လိႈင္းလီ၊ ရြာႀကီး၊ ကန္လွႏွင့္ သေျပကုန္း ေက်းရြာမ်ားတြင္ လႈပ္ရွားေနသည္ဟု သိရသည္။
စစ္အစိုးရကို ေတာ္လွန္ရန္ ကယန္းျပည္သစ္ပါတီကို ၁၉၆၄ခုႏွစ္တြင္ စတင္ဖြဲ႕စည္းခဲ့ၿပီး ၁၉၉၄ခုႏွစ္၌ စစ္အစိုးရႏွင့္ ပစ္ခတ္ရပ္ စဲေရးကို သေဘာတူလက္မွတ္ထိုးခဲ့သည္။ လက္ရွိ အင္အား ၂,၀၀၀ ၀န္းက်င္ရွိ ကယန္းျပည္သစ္ပါတီသည္ ၿပီးခဲ့သည့္ ၂၀၀၉ ခုႏွစ္ အေစာပိုင္းတြင္ စစ္အစိုးရက နယ္ျခားေစာင့္တပ္ သို႔မဟုတ္ ျပည္သူ႔စစ္အသြင္ေျပာင္းရန္ ဖိအားေပးခဲ့သည္။
KNLP သည္ ၎တို႔၏ ဌာနခ်ဳပ္ကို ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္ေတာင္ပိုင္း ဖယ္ခံုၿမိဳ႕နယ္ ဆီဘူးတြင္ ထားရွိသည္။
2:00 pm ထုိင္းအစုိးရဘက္မွျပန္ပုိ.လုိက္သည့္စစ္ေဘးထြက္ေျပးသူမ်ားကုိဗမာစစ္အစုိးရတပ္၏ဓားစာခံေတြျဖစ္ကုန္ျပီ၊ေပၚတာဆြဲခံထိသည့္ေယာက်ၤားလည္းအနည္းဆုံး၁၀ေယာက္ေလာက္ရွိေနျပီ၊သုံးဆူးျမဳိ.ဖမ္းဆီးထားသည့္အရပ္သားမ်ားကုိအျပင္လုံးဝမထြက္ခုိင္းဘဲဓားစာခံလုပ္ထားသည့္သေဘာဟုသိရွိရပါသည္၊
၁၂း၀၀ ေန.လည္
SSA-S_statement on Battle Between Dkba and Spdc_091110
November 9, 2010
ေန.လည္ ၁၂း၃၀
၁၂း၁၇ ေန.လည္
November 9, 2010
ThanShwe Orders MajGen Kyaw Kyaw Tun Arrested and Sent Back to NPT Artillary Ready on Phayagone
ABSDF Statement+on+Attack+Between+DKBA+and+SPDC
DAB Statement on Current Attack 9-11-10
ThanShwe Orders MajGen Kyaw Kyaw Tun Arrested and Sent Back to NPT Artillary Ready on Phayagone
ABSDF Statement+on+Attack+Between+DKBA+and+SPDC
DAB Statement on Current Attack 9-11-10
၄း၂၅ ညေန
ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္ဖြဲ.ဗ်ဴဟာအရျမဝတီျမဳိ.ကေနတျဖည္းျဖည္းေနာက္ဆုတ္ေနျပီးစစ္ေဘးထြက္ေျပးသူေတြကုိကုိယ့္ေနရာရင္းျပန္လုိ.ရျပီးဟုသိရွိရပါ သည္၊ဗမာစစ္တပ္ဘက္ကလည္းဒီေကဘီေအဘာေၾကာင့္ေနာက္ဆုတ္ေပးေနသလဲဆုိတာေစာင့္ၾကည့္သည့္အေနအထားမွာပဲရွိသည္ဟုဆုိသည္
ဘုရားသုံးဆူဘက္မွာလည္အလာတူတပ္ဆုတ္ေပးေနျပီးအရပ္သားမ်ားေနရာရင္းျပန္လည္ေရာက္ရွိေနၾကျပီးျဖစ္သည္။ေန.လည္ ၁၂း၃၀
၁၂း၀၀ ေန.လည္
ဘုရားသုံးဆူဘက္အေျခအေန၁၂း၁၇ ေန.လည္
အကယ္၍ျငိမ္းသက္မွဳအေျခအေနရွိလာမယ္ဆုိရင္စစ္ေဘးထြက္ေျပးသူမ်ားကုိျပန္ပုိ.ႏုိင္ ေအာင္စီစဥ္မယ္လုိ.ထုိင္းအရာရွိေတြေျပၾကားသည္၊ဗမာစစ္တပ္ဘက္ကအနဲဆုံး ၂၅ ဦးထက္မနဲေသဆုံးျပီးအမ်ားအျပားဒဏ္ရာရတယ္လုိ.သိရွိရပါသည္၊၁၁း၅၀ မနက္ပုိင္း
ဘုရားသုံးဆူဘက္မွာမေန.ညကေသနတ္သံညိမ္သက္ေနေပမဲ့့ဒီေန.မနက္ပုိင္းမွာျပန္လည္ပစ္ခတ္ေနၾကျပီးထုိင္းဘက္ကုိအနည္းဆုံးလက္နက္ၾကီး သုံးလုံးက်ေရာက္တယ္လုိ.သိရွိရပါသည္၊ဗမာစစ္တပ္ဘက္ကေတာ့ထုိးစစ္ခ်က္ခ်င္းလုပ္တာထက္လွည့္ျဖားနည္းလမ္းတစ္ခုခုရွာေနပုံရတယ္လုိ. မြန္ျပည္သစ္ပါတီမွအနီးကပ္နယ္စပ္မွာစစ္ေရးေလ့လာေနသူတစ္ဦးကေျပာျပပါတယ္။လွ်ပ္စစ္စြမ္းအင္းဌာနမီးရွဳိ.ဖ်က္စီးခံလုိက္ရသည့္အတြက္
ဒါေၾကာင့္။ဗမာစစ္တပ္ဘက္မွအင္းအား ၁၅၀ ေလာက္ရွိသည့္ေခ်လွ်င္တပ္ရင္းအမွတ္ (၂၈၃)ႏွင့္ေျခလွ်င္တပ္ရင္းအမွတ္ (၄၀၅)တုိ.ကဘုရားသုံး ဆူျမဳိ.ကုိမကာကြယ္ႏုိင္ဘဲလက္လႊတ္လုိက္ရသည့္ေနာက္ပုိင္းအခ်က္အခ်ာက်သည့္ရုံးမ်ားအားလုံးနီးပါးကုိဒီေကဘီေအတပ္ေတြကဖ်က္စီးမီးရွဳိ.
ခဲ့ျပီးေနာက္ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္ေတြကေနာက္ဆုတ္ဖုိ.ျပင္ဆင္ေနတယ္လုိ.သိရွိရပါသည္၊စစ္ေဘးထြက္ေျပးသူေတြကလည္းစတင္အိမ္ျပန္ေနျပီလုိ. သိရွိရပါသည္၊ဘာဘဲေျပာေျပာ၊စစ္အစုိးရဘက္ကေနအရင္းလုိအေျခအေနမ်ဳိးသုိ.ျပန္ေရာက္ႏုိင္ေအာင္ခက္ခဲေနအုံးမယ္ဟုသိရွိရပါသည္။November 8, 2010
ညေနပုိင္း ၁၀ နာရီေလာက္
ဘုရားသုံးဆူနယ္စပ္တုိက္ပြဲေၾကာင့္ထြက္ေျပးလာသည့္ဒုကၡသည္မ်ားဘုရားကုန္မွာလူ(၄၀၀၀)ေက်ာ္ပိတ္မိေန၊ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္ေတြထိန္းခ်ဳပ္ထား ဆဲ၊ေကအန္ယူကတစ္ဖက္တစ္လမ္းကေနေနရာယူထားျပီးဗမာတပ္ကအေျခခ်စခန္းမွာပဲရွိေန၊ဒီေကဘီေအကလက္နက္ၾကီးႏွင့္လွမ္းပစ္ေပးေန၊ဗမာ စစ္တပ္စစ္ေၾကာင္းတစ္ေၾကာင္းကအႏုိင္ကြင္းကေနခ်ီတက္လာေနျပီးဒီညတုိက္ပြဲျပင္းထန္ဖြယ္အလာအလာရွိ၊ျမဳိ.ထဲမွာလူမရွိသေလာက္ေျခာက္ ကပ္ေနဆဲ၊
November 8, 2010
ျပည္တြင္းရွိလူထုေတြကလည္းဖက္ဒရယ္ပါလီမာန္ဖြဲ.စည္းျခင္းအေပၚေထာက္ခံပြဲလုပ္၊မြန္ျပည္နယ္၊ကရင္ျပည္နယ္ရွိမုဒုံ၊က်ဳိက္မေရာႏွင့္ၾကားအင္ဆိ ပ္ၾကီးျမဳိ.မ်ားလူထုမ်ားတက္ေရာက္ေထာက္ခံ၊ (ပေလာင္အမ်ဳိးသားဝက္ဘေလာ့မွရယူသည္)
Support of Federal Parliament in Inside Burma
Wall Street Journal ကဒီလုိေရးတယ္
Clashes Roil Myanmar Border Area
BANGKOK—Sporadic clashes between ethnic Karen rebels and Myanmar government troops roiled an important border town Monday a day after the country's first elections in two decades, raising fears of further ethnic violence as Myanmar's armed forces attempt to cement their hold over the country's fractious border regions.
The conflict began Sunday in Myawaddy town near Myanmar's eastern border with Thailand during an election that appears set to deliver a pro-military parliament and which U.S. President Barack Obama and other global leaders have criticized as being neither free nor fair.
Vote counting, meanwhile, continued around the country Monday, although progress remained slow and smaller opposition parties complained of irregularities in the election. State media Monday reported election commission officials as saying that 40 government-backed candidates had won their races, including six recently retired generals.
Gunfire and mortars could be heard in the area from the Thai side of the border across the Moei River and blasts and shooting continued throughout Monday. On the Thai side, Mae Sot district chief Kittisak Tomornsak said fires had been set on the Myanmar side of the river. He estimated that more than 10,000 people had already waded, swam or taken small boats across the strip of water separating the two countries.
Thai police and government officials took many of the fleeing people to a Thai army camp where they tried to supply the people with tarpaulins, food, water and sanitation facilities, but Mr. Kittisak said the local government fears it will be swamped by refugees. "We expect many more to come," Mr. Kittisak said. "It's not clear what's happening on the other side of the border."
The ethnic clashes began on Sunday when a faction from the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army took over Myawaddy's police station and post office. The group is generally supportive of Myanmar's military regime, but some members of ethnic-Karen-based force are pressing for greater autonomy from the ethnic-Burman dominated armed forces.
Khin Ohmar, a spokeswoman for the Burma Partnership, a pro-democracy advocacy group active in the area, said the rebel faction seized key installations in Myawaddy Sunday and that fighting resumed with government forces on Monday. Government forces later retreated from the town and began shelling the area as they apparently awaited reinforcements. It's unclear how many casualties there have been.
"The residents say they were told to leave the town and that's why there so many of them coming into Thailand now," Ms. Khin Ohmar said.
A Thai army commander, Col. Wannatip Wongwai, told the Associated Press that Thai authorities would start sending the refugees back across the border once the situation in Myanmar "is under control".
Nearly 40% of Myanmar's 50 million people come from ethnic groups other than the dominant Burmans, who comprise the bulk of the powerful military. The country, also known as Burma, has been riven by a series of guerrilla wars since securing independence from Britain in 1948 but ethnic tensions in the area date back centuries.
Ethnic Karens previously sought their own state, but many in recent years have instead sought out a greater degree of autonomy, as have other ethnic-minority groups such as the Kachin, Wa and Shan. Sunday's election, though, appear to limit the prospect of any autonomous rule for Myanmar's ethnic-minorities, who mostly cluster along the country's long borders. In recent months, tensions have flared as the government stepped up its military presence in border areas and instructed former rebel armies to fold themselves into an integrated border protection force under the direct control of Myanmar's military regime.
Analysts say the faction involved in the Myawaddy clashes resents being absorbed into the government's Border Guard Force and appears to be resisting, as other factions in Kachin and Wa-dominated areas near the Chinese border previously have done.
Thailand and China previously have urged Myanmar not to do anything that could trigger an exodus of refugees from Myanmar. China in particular is anxious for Myanmar to tamp down any volatility in the north of the country where Beijing is building pipelines to pump oil and gas to its big industrial centers.
Myanmar's military regime aims to create new regional assemblies where minority groups can retain their sense of identity. But analysts say ethnic-Karen rebels, among others, are skeptical that they will be allowed to exert any influence over the areas which they previously attempted to rule by themselves.
Myanmar's military leaders say Sunday's vote—the first since 1990—will put the country on the path to democracy. Critics allege the ballot is an attempt to sanitize a regime best known for detaining Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, whose National League for Democracy won the 1990 vote, under house arrest for 15 of the past 21 years.
The junta-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party appears set to secure the largest share of the seats despite decades of economic mismanagement and harsh repression. It put forward candidates for nearly all the 1,159 seats in the two-house national parliament and 14 regional legislatures. Another pro-military party, the National Unity Party contested around 995 seats.
The largest antigovernment party, in contrast, put forward just 164 candidates and the constitution guarantees 25% of parliamentary seats for military appointees. Ms. Suu Kyi was barred from participating and urged a boycott of the vote.
(၆)နာရီအတြင္းျမဝတီျမဳိ.ကေနထြက္ခြာဖုိ.ဗမာစစ္အစုိးရတပ္ျခိမ္းေျခာက္ေနျပီ၊ ဒီေကဘီေအမဆုတ္ခြာပါကျမဝတီတစ္ျမဳီ.မီးရွဳိ. ပစ္မယ္ဟုျခိမ္းေျခာက္ေနသည္ဟုထုိင္း AS TV ကထုတ္လႊင့္ေနသည္၊သုိ.ေသာ္၊စစ္အစုိးရျခိမ္းေျခာက္ထားသည့္အတုိင္လုပ္ေဆာင္ဖုိ.ျဖစ္ႏုိင္သည့္အလာအလာနဲပါးေၾကာင္းဟုဆုိ သည္၊ေသြးတုိ.စမ္းသည့္သေဘာဟုသုံးသပ္သည္၊ဗမာစစ္အစုိးရအေနနဲ.ျမဝတီျမဳိ.မီးရွဴိ.ပါကျပည္တြင္းရွိတပ္ရင္းမ်ားလည္းမီးေလာင္
ျမဝတီ-ေမာ္လျမဳိင္ကားလမ္းကုိစစ္အစုိး၇တပ္မွသြားလာခြင့္လုံးဝပိတ္ပင္ထားျပီးေကာ့ခရိတ္မွာစစ္အစုိးရတပ္အင္းအားစုေဆာင္း ေနသည္ဟုသိရွိရပါသည္၊ၾကာအင္းဆိပ္ၾကီးျမဳိ.နယ္တစ္ဝုိက္မွာလည္းလူထုေတြတြင္းတူးေနၾကျပီးစစ္ေဘးေရွာင္ေနၾကသည္၊
ျပီး ဗမာျပည္အေရးကိစၥကုိဝင္စြပ္ဖက္မွာမဟုတ္ဟုကတိေပး
တုိက္ပြဲအေၾကာင္းေနာက္ဆုံးအေျခအေနကုိေျပာျပေနသည့္ထုိင္းတီဗြီChannel 7 (ဟံသာဝတီဝက္ဆုိက္မွရယူသည္)
ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ ေကအဲန္ယူ ပူးေပါင္းတပ္ ဘုရားသုံးဆူၿမိဳ႕ကို စတင္သိမ္းၿပီ
ႏုိ၀င္ဘာလ ၈ရက္။ ေကအုိင္စီ
ထုိင္း-ျမန္မာနယ္စပ္ ဘုရားသုံးဆူၿမိဳ႕တြင္ ယေန႔မနက္ ၁၁နာရီေက်ာ္အခ်ိန္ နအဖႏွင့္ ဒီေကဘီ၊ ေကအဲန္ယူ ပူးေပါင္းတပ္ဖဲြ႕တုိ႔ ၾကား တုိက္ပဲြျဖစ္ပြားခဲ့ၿပီးေနာက္ မြန္းလဲြ ၂နာရီေက်ာ္အခ်ိန္တြင္ အဆုိပါ ပူးေပါင္းတပ္တုိ႔က ဘုရားသုံးဆူၿမိဳ႕ကို စတင္ ၀င္သိမ္း ၿပီဟု သိရသည္။ေကအဲန္ယူ တပ္မဟာ(၆)ေျပာေရးဆုိခြင့္ရွိသူ ဗုိလ္ႀကီးေစာထဲေနက “ဒီမနက္ ၁၁း၁၅မိနစ္အခ်ိန္မွာ ဗုိလ္ေနာ္တယာ ဦးေဆာင္ တဲ့ ဒီေကဘီေအ တပ္ရင္း(၉၀၇)နဲ႔ က်ေနာ္တုိ႔လူေတြ ပူးေပါင္းၿပီးေတာ့ နအဖ ခလရ(၂၈၃)ႏွင့္ ခမရ(၄၀၅)တပ္ရင္းတုိ႔ၾကား ဘုရားသုံးဆူႏွင့္ မဲ့ကသာသြားရာလမ္း ရပ္ကြက္(၄) နအဖ တပ္စခန္းမွာ တုိက္ပဲြ စတင္ျဖစ္ပြားတယ္။ ေလာေလာဆယ္ေတာ့ နအဖတပ္ေတြ တပ္ကုန္းကို အကုန္ေနရာေရႊ႕လုိက္ၿပီီ။”ဟု ေျပာသည္။
လက္ရွိအခ်ိန္တြင္ ဘုရားသုံးဆူၿမိဳ႕တ၀က္ခန္႔ကို ၀င္ေရာက္သိမ္းဆည္းႏုိင္ၿပီျဖစ္သလုိ နအဖ ေၾကးနန္းဆက္သြယ္ေရး႐ုံး၊ စုိက္ ပ်ဳိးေရး႐ုံးကို ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ ေကအဲန္္ယူ ပူးေပါင္းတပ္ဖဲြ႕တုိ႔ ၀င္ေရာက္မီးရႈိ႕ဖ်က္ဆီးလုိက္ၿပီျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း ေစာထဲေနက ေျပာ သည္။
ေကအဲန္ယူ၏ ေျပာျပခ်က္အရ လက္ရွိအခ်ိန္တြင္ ဘုရားသုံးဆူ၌ ဒီေကဘီေအ၊ ကရင္အမ်ဳိးသားလြတ္ေျမာက္ေရးတပ္မေတာ္ (ေကအဲန္အယ္လ္ေအ)၊ မြန္ျပည္သစ္ပါတီ(အဲန္အမ္အစ္စ္ပီ)ႏွင့္ ကရင္ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးေကာင္စီတုိ႔(၄)ဖဲြ႕ စစ္ေရးပူးေပါင္းလုိက္ၿပီ ဟုလည္း ေျပာသည္။
ယင္းသုိ႔ တုိက္ပဲြျဖစ္ပြားမႈေၾကာင့္ ဘုရားသုံးဆူၿမိဳ႕ခံမ်ား အထိတ္တလန္႔ ျဖစ္ပြားေနသည့္အျပင္ အထုပ္အပုိးမ်ား ျပင္ဆင္ေနရ ၾကသည္ဟု ၿမိဳ႕ခံတဦးက ေျပာသည္။
သူက “အစုိးရတပ္နဲ႔ ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္ေတြ ပစ္ၿပီ။ အခု ၿမိဳ႕ခံေတြကေတာ့ ကုိယ့္အထုပ္အပုိးေတြ သိမ္းဆည္းၾကၿပီ။”ဟု ေျပာ သည္။
Seven people -- three Thais and four Karens -- were injured from the incident, he said, adding that no Japanese journalist has been injured as reported by some local Thai media.
Lt-Gen Wannatip also said that about 300 Burmese people have fled across the border from Burma to the Thai side as of 10am Monday.
He said he has ordered the soldiers not to fire into the Burmese side, because the gunshots and an RPG landed in Mae Sot were unintentional.
There are currently no Thais in that area, as Thai shop owners near the border have already been evacuated, he said.
စံခလပူရီဘက္ M 79 ေလလုံးက်ေရာက္ထုိင္းဘက္မွာလက္နက္ၾကီးငယ္ေတြက်ေ၇ာက္ေနေသာ္လည္းတုံ.ျပန္ပစ္ခတ္မွဳမလုပ္ရန္
Soldiers ordered not to fire into Burma
- Published: 8/11/2010 at 03:04 PM
- Online news:
The army has ordered Thai soldiers not to fire back into the Burmese side after gunshots and a rocket-propelled grenade landed on the Thai side in Mae Sot on Monday morning following clashes between Burmese rebel troops and the government soldiers.
Third Army commander Wannatip Wongwai confirmed that three gunshots and an RPG landed on Thai side as Karen rebels clashed with Burmese soldiers in Myawaddy in the morning.Seven people -- three Thais and four Karens -- were injured from the incident, he said, adding that no Japanese journalist has been injured as reported by some local Thai media.
Lt-Gen Wannatip also said that about 300 Burmese people have fled across the border from Burma to the Thai side as of 10am Monday.
He said he has ordered the soldiers not to fire into the Burmese side, because the gunshots and an RPG landed in Mae Sot were unintentional.
There are currently no Thais in that area, as Thai shop owners near the border have already been evacuated, he said.
ေၾကာင့္စံခလပူရီဘက္မွာ အမ္ ၇၉ေလလုံးက်ေရာက္ျပီးထိခုိက္ဒဏ္ရာရရွိမွဳမရွိဟုဆုိသည္၊
တစ္လုံးက လူဝင္မွဳၾကီးၾကပ္ေရးရုံအနာမွာ၊တစ္လုံးကအလံတုိင္အနာမွာေနာက္ႏွစ္လုံးကရြားဘုန္းၾကီးေက်ာင္းအနာမွျဖစ္သည္ ဟု
M79 rounds land on border village
- Published: 8/11/2010 at 04:19 PM
- Online news:
Four M79 grenades landed on a village on the border with Burma in Sangkhlaburi district of Kanchanaburi province on Monday, but caused no casualties.
Jamras Kingnoi, the Sangkhlaburi district chief, said the M79 grenades strayed across the border from an ongoing fighting between Burmese government and Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) troops in Burma.
The four M79 rounds landed on Phra Chedi Sam-ong village in tambon Nong Lu - one near the immigration office, one near a flag post, and two near a shelter inside the village temple.
Nobody was hurt in the explosions.
Soldiers from the Surasee Force and border patrol police were despatched to the village after the incident.
ဒီညက်ရင္တုိက္ပြဲပုိမုိရက္စက္မယ္၊ဗမာစစ္တပ္ဘက္ကေနျမဝတီတစ္ျမဳိ.လုံးမီးရွဳိ.ပစ္ရန္ျပင္ဆင္ေနပုံရေန၊ျမဝတီျမဳိ.မရွိရင္လည္းဗမာျပည္ရွိတာဘဲ လုိ.နအဖစစ္သားတစ္ခ်ဳိ.ေအာ္ဟစ္ေနတယ္၊ဟုဒီေကဘီေအစစ္သားးေျပာျပ၊ယုတ္မာသည့္ဗ်ဴဟာဘဲ၊ကာကြယ္ဖုိ.ကျပည္တြင္းစစ္အစုိးရတပ္ရင္းကုိ မီးရွဳိ.လုိက္ရုံဘဲ၊အခ်င္းခ်င္းဆဲဆုိေနၾကသည့္အသံေတြၾကားေန၇တယ္၊တု္င္းရင္းသားတပ္ေတြဘာဆက္မလဲ၊ျပည္သူေတြကုိနအဖစစ္တပ္ကဂရုစုိက္ မည့္ပုံပေပၚဘူး၊ျမဝတီျမဳိ.မရွိရင္လည္းဗမာျပည္ရွိတာဘဲဆုိသည့္စကားလုံးကျပင္းထန္လြန္တယ္၊ေသေသခ်ာခ်ာစဥ္းစားျပီးလုပ္သင့္တာကုိလုပ္ဖုိ. ဘဲရွိတယ္၊
ဗမာစစ္တပ္ဘက္ကေနအင္းအားပုိမုိျဖည့္လာေနေသာေၾကာင့္တုိက္ပြဲၾကာရွည္မယ္၊ဆုိင္ေတြ၊ေစ်းေတြအားလုံးပိတ္ထားသျဖင့္အစားအေသာက္ျပတ္ လပ္မွဳျဖစ္ပြားႏုိင္သည္၊ေကအန္ယူဘက္ကလည္းစစ္ကူးထပ္ပုိ.၇န္အသင့္အေနအထားမွာရွိေနသည္ဟုသိရွိရသည္၊ဖက္ဒရယ္ျပည္ေထာင္စုအေနနဲ. လက္ေႏွးမေနသင့္ဘဲမိမိနယ္ေျမေဒသတြင္ဝင္ေရာက္သိမ္းပုိက္ရန္ပန္းၾကားအပ္ပါသည္၊ျပည္တြင္းရွိႏုိင္ငံေရးအင္းအားစုမ်ားကလည္းျပည္သူခ်စ္တဲ့ စစ္တပ္အကူအညီျဖင့္အစုိးရဖြဲ.လုိက္ပါ၊ခ်ီတက္လာေသာဗ်ဴဟာမွဴးေတြကုိအရင္ရွင္းပစ္ရမယ္၊အင္းအားျဖတ္ေတာက္ေအာင္၇သည့္နည္းျဖင့္လုပ္ေဆာင္ရမယ္။
မဲေဆာက္ဘက္ကထားစုိင္လြတ္ Tha Sai Lord မ်က္ႏွာခ်င္းဆုိင္ျမဝတီဘက္က ေနရာအႏွံ.မီးခုိေတြဖုံအုပ္ေန
တုိက္ပြဲေၾကာင့္ ထြက္ေျပးသူ ၁၀၀၀၀ ေက်ာ္ေနျပီး ထုိင္းအမ်ဳိးသမီးတစ္ဦးေသဆုံးျပီး အာပီဂ်ီ လက္နက္ဒဏ္ေၾကာင့္ ၃ ေယာက္ဒဏ္ရာရ၊ထြက္ေျပးသူမ်ားကုိလူသားစာနာေရးအစီစဥ္ျဖင့္ေစာင့္ေရွာက္ရန္ထုိင္းဝန္ၾကီးခ်ဳပ္ညြန္.ၾကား
Thai troops reinforced along Thai-Burma border
Published on November 8, 2010
Thai army on Monday reinforced its troops along the border with Burma following fighting between Burmese troops and Karen ethnic minority in border town of Myawaddy.
Third Army Region Commander Lt Gen Wanthip Wongwai said that a rocket propelled grenade from the fighting had landed on Mae Sot district of Tak province.The blast on the Thai soil injured seven people; three Thais and four Karens.
He denied rumours that neither Thai nor a Japanese reporter was killed from the spillover.
“I already ordered our troops not to retaliate the incident as they (the Burmese) do not intend to fire the explosives at us. But we would surely retaliate if they intended to fire at our side,� Wanthip said.
On Sunday, marking Burma's first general election in 20 years, a splinter faction of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) seized the police station and post office in Myawaddy.
Government forces fought back Monday.
About 300 Burmese have fled the fighting into the Thai soil, the general said, adding the army would detain them until the situation goes back to normal.
Mae Sot district chief Kittisak Tomornsak said Thailand closed its border checkpoint in the town and evacuated people from along the river in the area.
The Thai side could not update the situation with the Burmese army across the border as the the fighting is still going on, the general said.
He added that the Karens tried to capture Myawaddy town of Burma to send signals to the Burmese government that they did not accept the general election held in Burma on Sunday.
The army has ordered closing of the border market in the district.
ဒီေကဘီေအ ဘုရားသုံးဆူရွိ အစိုးရရုံးမ်ားကို ထိန္းထားၿပီ
November 8th, 201

ဘုရားသုံးဆူျမဳိ႔ ရပ္ကြက္ (၄) တြင္ တိုးတက္ေသာ ကရင္ဗုဒၶဘာသာ တပ္မေတာ္ (ဒီေကဘီေအ) ႏွင့္ ျမန္မာစစ္တပ္တို႔ တိုက္ပြဲျဖစ္ပြားၿပီးေနာက္ ေဆးရုံ၊ အက္စ္ပီ႐ုံးႏွင့္ သစ္ေတာ႐ုံးကို ဒီေကဘီေအမွ ထိန္းထားသည္ဟု ၿမိဳ့ခံမ်ားက ေျပာသည္။
တိုက္ပြဲေၾကာင့္ ျမန္မာစစ္တပ္ဘက္မွ ႏွစ္ဦး က်ဆုံးျပီး တစ္ဦးဒဏ္ရာ ရရွိသြားသည္ဟု ၿမိဳ့ခံတစ္ဦးက ေျပာသည္။
တိုက္ပြဲမွာ မိနစ္ (၂၀) ခန္႔ ၾကာျပီး လက္နက္ၾကီး အခ်က္ (၂၀) ခန္႔ႏွင့္ လက္နက္ငယ္ အခ်က္ေပါင္းမ်ားစြာ ပစ္ခတ္ၾကသည္ဟုလည္း အျခားျမဳိ႔ခံတစ္ဦးက ေျပာသည္။
၄င္းတိုက္ပြဲေၾကာင့္ အက္စ္ပီ႐ုံးႏွင့္ သစ္ေတာ႐ုံးၾကားရွိ ဓါတ္ဆီဆိုင္၊ ျပန္ၾကားေရးရုံး ႏွင့္ သစ္ထုတ္႐ုံးမ်ား မီးေလာင္လ်က္ ရွိသည္။
တိုင္တစ္ရာေက်ာင္းတြင္ က်င္းပသည့္ ကထိန္ပြဲမွ လူမ်ားလည္း လက္နက္ပစ္ခတ္သံေၾကာင့္ ေျပးလြားေနၾကသည္ ဟု ျမဳိ႔ခံတို႔က ေျပာသည္။
ေဒသခံ ျပည္သူမ်ားမွာလည္း မိမိရပ္ကြက္မွ အျခားရပ္ကြက္သို႔ သြားျခင္းကို ျမန္မာစစ္တပ္မွ တားျမစ္ခဲ့ျပီး လမ္းသြားသူမ်ားကိုလည္း ပစ္မိန္႔ ထုတ္ထားသျဖင့္ မည္သူ႔မွ လမ္းမထြက္ရဲၾကေၾကာင္း ၿမိဳ့ခံမ်ားက ေျပာသည္။
ျမဳိ႔ျပင္တြင္ ေကအန္ယူတပ္မ်ားက ျမဳိ႔တြင္းအေျခအေနကို ေစာင့္ၾကည့္ေနျပီး ျမဳိ႔တြင္းသို႔ ဝင္ေရာက္လာျခင္း မရွိေသးေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။
3 die in clashes in Burma
At least three civilians died in a clash between rebel troops and government soldiers in a town in eastern Burma on Monday, a day after rare elections, an official in the military-ruled country said.
Eleven more people were injured when heavy weapons fire from ethnic rebels hit the town of Myawaddy in Karen State, said the official, who did not want to be named.ျမ၀တီၿမဳိ႕ခံမ်ား မဲေဆာက္ဘက္ ေျပာင္းေရႊ႕
Sunday, November 7, 2010
ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ဗမာစစ္တပ္တုိ.အၾကားျဖစ္ပြားေနသည့္တုိက္ပြဲေၾကာင့္ျပည္သူလူထုမ်ားကုိစစ္အစုိးရတပ္ကေပၚတာဆြဲလူေတြဖမ္းဆီးေနျပီးေရွ.တန္မွာအ သုံးခ်ဖုိ.ျဖစ္တယ္လုိ.သိရွိရပါသည္၊ဒီညက်ရင္ဗမာစစ္တပ္ကအၾကီးအက်ယ္တုံ.ျပန္ဖုိ.ရွိသည္ဟုဆုိသည္၊ဖက္ဒရယ္ျပည္ေထာင္စုတပ္ကလည္းျပည္သူလူ ထုကုိစစ္အစုိးရတပ္ေတြမတရားဖမ္းဆီးဖိႏွိပ္ေနတာေၾကာင့္ဝင္ေရာက္တားဆီးဖုိ.ျပင္ဆင္ေနသည္ဟုသိရွိရပါသည္၊လူထုေတြကုိကာကြယ္ျဖစ္သည္ဟုသိရွိ ရပါသည္၊စစ္အစုိးရတပ္ရက္စက္လာပါကႏုိင္ငံအႏွံ.တုိက္ပြဲျဖစ္မယ္ဟုသိရွိရပါသည္။
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ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ဗမာစစ္တပ္တုိ.အၾကားျဖစ္ပြားေနသည့္တုိက္ပြဲေၾကာင့္ျပည္သူလူထုမ်ားကုိစစ္အစုိးရတပ္ကေပၚတာဆြဲလူေတြဖမ္းဆီးေနျပီးေရွ.တန္မွာအ သုံးခ်ဖုိ.ျဖစ္တယ္လုိ.သိရွိရပါသည္၊ဒီညက်ရင္ဗမာစစ္တပ္ကအၾကီးအက်ယ္တုံ.ျပန္ဖုိ.ရွိသည္ဟုဆုိသည္၊ဖက္ဒရယ္ျပည္ေထာင္စုတပ္ကလည္းျပည္သူလူ ထုကုိစစ္အစုိးရတပ္ေတြမတရားဖမ္းဆီးဖိႏွိပ္ေနတာေၾကာင့္ဝင္ေရာက္တားဆီးဖုိ.ျပင္ဆင္ေနသည္ဟုသိရွိရပါသည္၊လူထုေတြကုိကာကြယ္ျဖစ္သည္ဟုသိရွိ ရပါသည္၊စစ္အစုိးရတပ္ရက္စက္လာပါကႏုိင္ငံအႏွံ.တုိက္ပြဲျဖစ္မယ္ဟုသိရွိရပါသည္။
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သတင္း Breaking News
ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ဗမာစစ္တပ္အၾကားဆက္တုိက္ပစ္ခတ္မွဳျဖစ္ပြားေနျပီးဗမာစစ္တပ္ဘက္ကအနည္းဆုံး ၄ ေယာက္ႏွင့္ထုိင္းဘက္ကုိက်လာေသာဗမာစစ္တပ္အေျမာက္ေၾကာင့္ထုိင္းအမ်ဳိးသားတစ္ဦးလည္ဒဏ္ရာရေနသည္၊နယ္စပ္တံတားလုံးဝပိတ္ထားျပီး ထုိင္းစစ္တပ္ အမွတ္ ၁၅ ႏွင့္ထုိင္းေဒသတပ္မအမွတ္ ၃တုိ.ေနစပ္ကုိတင္းက်ပ္ထားျပီးထုိင္းဘက္ကုိက်ဥ္းဆံႏွင့္အေျမာက္တစ္ခ်ဳိ.က်လာေသာ္လည္း တုံ.ျပန္ပစ္ခတ္မွဳမလုပ္ဖုိ.ႏွင့္အေျခအေနကုိအနီးကပ္ေစာင့္ၾကည့္ဖုိ.ညြန္.ၾကားထားသည္၊
ဤအေျခအေနႏွင့္ပတ္သက္၍ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္ကညွပ္သြားႏုိင္သျဖင့္ေကအန္ယူတပ္စစ္ကူးသက္သက္လည္းမလုံေလာက္ပါ၊ထုိ.ေၾကာင့္၊တပ္ေပါင္းစု အေနနဲ.တပ္ျဖည့္အင္းအားျဖည့္လုပ္ေပးပါရန္ပန္းၾကားသည္၊ထုိ.အျပင္၊အျခားေသာနယ္ေျမေဒသေတြမွာလည္းထုိးစစ္လုပ္ဖုိ.အထူးပန္းၾကားအပ္ပါသ ည္၊တပ္စြဲျပီးသာေဒသကုိပုိင္ပုိင္ႏုိင္ႏုိင္ထိန္းခ်ဳပ္ထားျပီးျပည္သူ.စနစ္ျဖင့္တပ္အင္းအားတုိးခ်ဲ့.ေနရာယူရန္ပန္းၾကားပါသည္။
နယ္ျခားေစာင့္တပ္အသြင္းေျပာင္းသြားသည့္ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္ကုိစစ္အစုိးရဘက္ေရွ.တန္အျဖစ္သုံးရန္ဖိအားေပးေနျပီးကရင္အခ်င္းခ်င္းတုိက္ပြဲပုံစံသုိ. အေျပာင္း၇န္ၾကဳိးစားေနသည္ဟုသိရသည္၊ထုိ.အျပင္၊ဗမာစစ္တပ္ေတြကုိယ္တုိင္နယ္ျခားေစာင့္တပ္အသြင္းေျပာင္းသြားသည့္ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္၏ယူနီ ေဖာက္ကုိဝတ္ျပီးစိတ္ဓါတ္စစ္ဆင္ေရးတုိက္ပြဲပုံစံျဖင့္ဒီေကဘီေအအခ်င္းခ်င္းခ်ေနတယ္လုိ.ဝါဒျဖန္.လုပ္ေဆာင္ရန္လည္းၾကဳိးစားေနသည္ဟုသိရွိရပါ သည္၊ဒီညက်ရင္အထူးသတိထားၾကပါရန္ပန္းၾကားသည္။
ႏွစ္ဖက္တပ္မ်ားမွာ ယမန္ေန႔ညကတည္းက အင္အားမ်ား ထပ္မံ တိုးခ်ထားၿပီး ယခု ပစ္ခတ္မႈမွာ ျမ၀တီတံတားေအာက္၊ ၿမိဳ႕တြင္းရွိ နအဖ ေရွ႕တန္း႐ံုးႏွင့္ နယ္ျခားေစာင့္တပ္ဖြဲ႕ ေနရာယူထားသည့္ ဓိဌာန္ေအာင္ကုန္းတြင္လည္း လက္နက္ႀကီးမ်ားျဖင့္ စတင္ ပစ္ ခတ္ခဲ့ၿပီး လက္ရွိအခ်ိန္တြင္ အလံုးေပါင္း ၂၀ေက်ာ္ရွိၿပီဟု ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ နီးစပ္သူ ၿမိဳ႕ခံတစ္ဦးက ေျပာသည္။
“မနက္ကတည္းက တံတားေအာက္ကေန ဆက္တိုက္ျဖစ္လာလိုက္တာ အခုဆို အလံုး ၂၀ေက်ာ္ၿပီ။ အသံကေတာ့ 79 လက္နက္ သံပဲ။ လက္နက္ငယ္ေတြ သိပ္မၾကားရဘူး။ ေရွ႕တန္း႐ံုးနားမွ ျဖစ္တဲ့ပစ္ခတ္မႈမွာ ဆုိက္ကားသမား အပါအ၀င္ လူ ၃ေယာက္ ပြဲခ်င္း ၿပီးေသတယ္။ ဒဏ္ရာနဲ႔ ေဆး႐ံုေရာက္သြားတာက အေယာက္ ၂၀လို႔ သူနာျပဳဆရာမက ေျပာတယ္ေလ။”ဟု ဆိုသည္။
ျမ၀တီ-မဲေဆာက္ တံတား၏ ျမန္မာဘက္ျခမ္းတြင္ ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ နအဖတို႔ အျပန္အလွန္ ပစ္ခတ္မႈေၾကာင့္ နအဖဘက္မွပစ္ သည့္ 81 အမ်ဳိးအစားလက္နက္ႀကီးတလံုးႏွင့္ 79 က်ည္ ၃လံုး ထိုင္းဘက္ျခမ္းသို႔ က်ေရာက္ခဲ့မႈ ေၾကာင့္ ထိုင္းအရပ္သား ၁၉ ဒဏ္ ရာရွိခဲ့သည္ဟု သိရသည္။
ဒီေကဘီေအ တပ္မ်ားသည္ တံတားဘက္ကို ေက်ာေပး၍ ျမ၀တီၿမိဳ႕တြင္းဘက္တြင္ ရွိသည့္ နအဖ စစ္တပ္မ်ားႏွင့္ အျပန္အလွန္ ပစ္ခတ္ခဲ့ရာ နအဖတပ္မ်ားက ပစ္ခတ္သည့္လက္နက္မ်ား ထိုင္းႏိုင္ငံဘက္ျခမ္းသို႔ က်ေရာက္ကာ ထိုင္းအရပ္သားမ်ား ယခုလို ဒဏ္ရာရရွိခဲ့ျခင္းျဖစ္သည္။
တခ်ိန္တည္းတြင္ပင္ ဒီေကဘီေအ တပ္မဟာ(၅) အေျခစိုက္ရာ ေ၀ၚေလေဒသတြင္လည္း ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ နအဖ တပ္မ်ား တိုက္ပြဲ တပြဲျဖစ္ပြားခဲ့ၿပီး ဒီေကဘီေအဘက္မွ နအဖ အရာရွိတစ္ဦးႏွင့္ တပ္သားတစ္ဦးကို ဖမ္းဆီးခဲ့ေၾကာင္းႏွင့္ ေကာ့ကရိတ္ၿမိဳ႕ဘက္တြင္ လည္း ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္မ်ားက နအဖ အရာရွိတစ္ဦးကို ဖမ္းဆီးထားေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။
ဒီေကဘီေအ တပ္မဟာ (၅)မွဴး ဗိုလ္မွဴးခ်ဳပ္ေစာလားပြယ္(ဗုိလ္ႏႈတ္ခမ္းေမြး)က ၎တို႔တပ္မ်ားက ယေန႔မနက္ ၁၁နာရီေက်ာ္တြင္ နအဖ စစ္သား ၈ဦးကို ဖမ္းဆီးမိခဲ့ၿပီး ဗိုလ္ႀကီးအဆင့္ရွိသူ နအဖအရာရွိတစ္ဦးလည္း ပါ၀င္သည္ဟု ေကအိုင္စီကို ေျပာသည္။
လက္ရွိအခ်ိန္တြင္ ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္မ်ား ျမ၀တီတစ္ၿမိဳ႕လံုးကို ျဖန္႔က်က္သိမ္းဆည္းထားသည့္ အေျခအေနတြင္ ရွိေနၿပီး ျမ၀တီ လူထုမွာ အေတာ္ေၾကာက္လန္႔ေနၾကေၾကာင္းႏွင့္ ထိုင္းဘက္ျခမ္း ခ်စ္ၾကည္ေရးတံတားေအာက္၌လည္း သတင္းေထာက္မ်ားႏွင့္အ တူ တံတားထိပ္မွစ၍ မဲေဆာက္ၿမိဳ႕အ၀င္ ကားလမ္းႀကီးအတိုင္း လံုၿခံဳေရးတပ္မ်ား လက္နက္အျပည့္အစံုႏွင့္အတူ အင္အား ထပ္မံ ျဖည့္ဆည္းထားသည္။
ယေန႔ ေန႔ခင္းအထိ ေနာက္ဆံုးရရွိသည့္သတင္းအရ ထိုင္းနယ္ျခားေစာင့္တပ္မ်ားကလည္း ၎တို႔နယ္သို႔ ပစ္ခတ္မႈ ထပ္မံ ေက်ာ္ လြန္လာပါက ျပန္လည္ပစ္ခတ္သြားမည္ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။
ျမ၀တီၿမိဳ႕အား သိမ္းပိုက္ရန္ ႀကိဳးပမ္းေနဟု ဒီေကဘီေအ ေျပာ
တိုးတက္ေသာ ကရင္ဗုဒၶဘာသာ တပ္မေတာ္ (ဒီေကဘီေအ)က တပ္မဟာ ၅ တပ္ဖြဲ႕မ်ားက နယ္စပ္ ျမ၀တီၿမိဳ႕အတြင္းသို႔ ၀င္ေရာက္ၿပီး အစုိးရရံုးမ်ားကို သိမ္းပိုက္ထားၿပီး ၿမိဳ႕ကို သိမ္းပိုက္ႏိုင္ရန္ ႀကိဳးပမ္း ေနသည္ဟု ႏုိင္ငံတကာျမန္မာသတင္းမွာေဖာ္ျပ။
ဤအေျခအေနႏွင့္ပတ္သက္၍ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္ကညွပ္သြားႏုိင္သျဖင့္ေကအန္ယူတပ္စစ္ကူးသက္သက္လည္းမလုံေလာက္ပါ၊ထုိ.ေၾကာင့္၊တပ္ေပါင္းစု အေနနဲ.တပ္ျဖည့္အင္းအားျဖည့္လုပ္ေပးပါရန္ပန္းၾကားသည္၊ထုိ.အျပင္၊အျခားေသာနယ္ေျမေဒသေတြမွာလည္းထုိးစစ္လုပ္ဖုိ.အထူးပန္းၾကားအပ္ပါသ ည္၊တပ္စြဲျပီးသာေဒသကုိပုိင္ပုိင္ႏုိင္ႏုိင္ထိန္းခ်ဳပ္ထားျပီးျပည္သူ.စနစ္ျဖင့္တပ္အင္းအားတုိးခ်ဲ့.ေနရာယူရန္ပန္းၾကားပါသည္။
နယ္ျခားေစာင့္တပ္အသြင္းေျပာင္းသြားသည့္ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္ကုိစစ္အစုိးရဘက္ေရွ.တန္အျဖစ္သုံးရန္ဖိအားေပးေနျပီးကရင္အခ်င္းခ်င္းတုိက္ပြဲပုံစံသုိ. အေျပာင္း၇န္ၾကဳိးစားေနသည္ဟုသိရသည္၊ထုိ.အျပင္၊ဗမာစစ္တပ္ေတြကုိယ္တုိင္နယ္ျခားေစာင့္တပ္အသြင္းေျပာင္းသြားသည့္ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္၏ယူနီ ေဖာက္ကုိဝတ္ျပီးစိတ္ဓါတ္စစ္ဆင္ေရးတုိက္ပြဲပုံစံျဖင့္ဒီေကဘီေအအခ်င္းခ်င္းခ်ေနတယ္လုိ.ဝါဒျဖန္.လုပ္ေဆာင္ရန္လည္းၾကဳိးစားေနသည္ဟုသိရွိရပါ သည္၊ဒီညက်ရင္အထူးသတိထားၾကပါရန္ပန္းၾကားသည္။
ျမ၀တီၿမိဳ႕အတြင္း ပစ္ခတ္မႈဆက္တုိက္ျဖစ္ပြားၿပီ
ႏုိ၀င္ဘာလ ၈ရက္။ ေကအုိင္စီ
ထုိင္း-ျမန္မာနယ္စပ္ ျမ၀တီၿမိဳ႕တြင္ တုိးတက္ေသာ ဗုဒၶဘာသာ ကရင္အမ်ဳိးသားတပ္မေတာ္ (ဒီေကဘီေအ)ႏွင့္ နအဖ စစ္တပ္တုိ႔ ၾကား ယေန႔မနက္ ျမန္မာစံေတာ္ခ်ိန္ ၉နာရီမွစ၍ ယခုေန႔ခင္းပိုင္းအခ်ိန္ထိ ျမ၀တီၿမိဳ႕တြင္း၌ ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ နအဖ စစ္တပ္မ်ား ပစ္ ခတ္မႈ သံုးေနရာ ဆက္တိုက္ ျဖစ္ပြားခဲ့ရာ ျမ၀တီၿမိဳ႕တြင္းမွ လူထု ၃ဦး ေသဆံုးၿပီး ၂၀ဦး ဒဏ္ရာရရွိသည္ဟု သိရသည္။ႏွစ္ဖက္တပ္မ်ားမွာ ယမန္ေန႔ညကတည္းက အင္အားမ်ား ထပ္မံ တိုးခ်ထားၿပီး ယခု ပစ္ခတ္မႈမွာ ျမ၀တီတံတားေအာက္၊ ၿမိဳ႕တြင္းရွိ နအဖ ေရွ႕တန္း႐ံုးႏွင့္ နယ္ျခားေစာင့္တပ္ဖြဲ႕ ေနရာယူထားသည့္ ဓိဌာန္ေအာင္ကုန္းတြင္လည္း လက္နက္ႀကီးမ်ားျဖင့္ စတင္ ပစ္ ခတ္ခဲ့ၿပီး လက္ရွိအခ်ိန္တြင္ အလံုးေပါင္း ၂၀ေက်ာ္ရွိၿပီဟု ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ နီးစပ္သူ ၿမိဳ႕ခံတစ္ဦးက ေျပာသည္။
“မနက္ကတည္းက တံတားေအာက္ကေန ဆက္တိုက္ျဖစ္လာလိုက္တာ အခုဆို အလံုး ၂၀ေက်ာ္ၿပီ။ အသံကေတာ့ 79 လက္နက္ သံပဲ။ လက္နက္ငယ္ေတြ သိပ္မၾကားရဘူး။ ေရွ႕တန္း႐ံုးနားမွ ျဖစ္တဲ့ပစ္ခတ္မႈမွာ ဆုိက္ကားသမား အပါအ၀င္ လူ ၃ေယာက္ ပြဲခ်င္း ၿပီးေသတယ္။ ဒဏ္ရာနဲ႔ ေဆး႐ံုေရာက္သြားတာက အေယာက္ ၂၀လို႔ သူနာျပဳဆရာမက ေျပာတယ္ေလ။”ဟု ဆိုသည္။
ျမ၀တီ-မဲေဆာက္ တံတား၏ ျမန္မာဘက္ျခမ္းတြင္ ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ နအဖတို႔ အျပန္အလွန္ ပစ္ခတ္မႈေၾကာင့္ နအဖဘက္မွပစ္ သည့္ 81 အမ်ဳိးအစားလက္နက္ႀကီးတလံုးႏွင့္ 79 က်ည္ ၃လံုး ထိုင္းဘက္ျခမ္းသို႔ က်ေရာက္ခဲ့မႈ ေၾကာင့္ ထိုင္းအရပ္သား ၁၉ ဒဏ္ ရာရွိခဲ့သည္ဟု သိရသည္။
ဒီေကဘီေအ တပ္မ်ားသည္ တံတားဘက္ကို ေက်ာေပး၍ ျမ၀တီၿမိဳ႕တြင္းဘက္တြင္ ရွိသည့္ နအဖ စစ္တပ္မ်ားႏွင့္ အျပန္အလွန္ ပစ္ခတ္ခဲ့ရာ နအဖတပ္မ်ားက ပစ္ခတ္သည့္လက္နက္မ်ား ထိုင္းႏိုင္ငံဘက္ျခမ္းသို႔ က်ေရာက္ကာ ထိုင္းအရပ္သားမ်ား ယခုလို ဒဏ္ရာရရွိခဲ့ျခင္းျဖစ္သည္။
တခ်ိန္တည္းတြင္ပင္ ဒီေကဘီေအ တပ္မဟာ(၅) အေျခစိုက္ရာ ေ၀ၚေလေဒသတြင္လည္း ဒီေကဘီေအႏွင့္ နအဖ တပ္မ်ား တိုက္ပြဲ တပြဲျဖစ္ပြားခဲ့ၿပီး ဒီေကဘီေအဘက္မွ နအဖ အရာရွိတစ္ဦးႏွင့္ တပ္သားတစ္ဦးကို ဖမ္းဆီးခဲ့ေၾကာင္းႏွင့္ ေကာ့ကရိတ္ၿမိဳ႕ဘက္တြင္ လည္း ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္မ်ားက နအဖ အရာရွိတစ္ဦးကို ဖမ္းဆီးထားေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။
ဒီေကဘီေအ တပ္မဟာ (၅)မွဴး ဗိုလ္မွဴးခ်ဳပ္ေစာလားပြယ္(ဗုိလ္ႏႈတ္ခမ္းေမြး)က ၎တို႔တပ္မ်ားက ယေန႔မနက္ ၁၁နာရီေက်ာ္တြင္ နအဖ စစ္သား ၈ဦးကို ဖမ္းဆီးမိခဲ့ၿပီး ဗိုလ္ႀကီးအဆင့္ရွိသူ နအဖအရာရွိတစ္ဦးလည္း ပါ၀င္သည္ဟု ေကအိုင္စီကို ေျပာသည္။
လက္ရွိအခ်ိန္တြင္ ဒီေကဘီေအတပ္မ်ား ျမ၀တီတစ္ၿမိဳ႕လံုးကို ျဖန္႔က်က္သိမ္းဆည္းထားသည့္ အေျခအေနတြင္ ရွိေနၿပီး ျမ၀တီ လူထုမွာ အေတာ္ေၾကာက္လန္႔ေနၾကေၾကာင္းႏွင့္ ထိုင္းဘက္ျခမ္း ခ်စ္ၾကည္ေရးတံတားေအာက္၌လည္း သတင္းေထာက္မ်ားႏွင့္အ တူ တံတားထိပ္မွစ၍ မဲေဆာက္ၿမိဳ႕အ၀င္ ကားလမ္းႀကီးအတိုင္း လံုၿခံဳေရးတပ္မ်ား လက္နက္အျပည့္အစံုႏွင့္အတူ အင္အား ထပ္မံ ျဖည့္ဆည္းထားသည္။
ယေန႔ ေန႔ခင္းအထိ ေနာက္ဆံုးရရွိသည့္သတင္းအရ ထိုင္းနယ္ျခားေစာင့္တပ္မ်ားကလည္း ၎တို႔နယ္သို႔ ပစ္ခတ္မႈ ထပ္မံ ေက်ာ္ လြန္လာပါက ျပန္လည္ပစ္ခတ္သြားမည္ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။
ျမ၀တီၿမိဳ႕အား သိမ္းပိုက္ရန္ ႀကိဳးပမ္းေနဟု ဒီေကဘီေအ ေျပာ
တိုးတက္ေသာ ကရင္ဗုဒၶဘာသာ တပ္မေတာ္ (ဒီေကဘီေအ)က တပ္မဟာ ၅ တပ္ဖြဲ႕မ်ားက နယ္စပ္ ျမ၀တီၿမိဳ႕အတြင္းသို႔ ၀င္ေရာက္ၿပီး အစုိးရရံုးမ်ားကို သိမ္းပိုက္ထားၿပီး ၿမိဳ႕ကို သိမ္းပိုက္ႏိုင္ရန္ ႀကိဳးပမ္း ေနသည္ဟု ႏုိင္ငံတကာျမန္မာသတင္းမွာေဖာ္ျပ။