ထုိင္းဝန္ၾကီးခ်ဳပ္ေဟာင္းတပ္ဆင္ ဖုန္းမွတစ္ဆင့္မိန္.ခြန္းေျပာမည္

တပ္ဆင္ဟာထုိင္းႏုိင္ငံသားတစ္ေယာက္ျဖစ္တဲ့အတြက္ေၾကာင့္ လြတ္လပ္စြာထုတ္ေဖာ္ေျပာဆုိခြင့္ရွိတယ္လုိ. သူ.၏ပါတီဝင္ ေဟာင္းမ်ားျဖစ္ေသာလက္ရွိအာဏာရပါတီကကာကြယ္ေျပာဆုိေနေပမဲ့တပ္ဆင္ေျပာၾကားမည့္မိန္.ခြန္းစကားအားလုံးကုိထုိင္း အထက္တရားရုံကအနီးကပ္ေစာင့္ၾကည့္ျပီးမွတ္တမ္းတင္ထားမည္လုိ. ေျပာပါသည္၊တပ္ဆင္၏မိန္.ခြန္းစကားတြင္အကယ္၍ ထုိင္းတရားရုံကုိေစာ္ကာလုိ.ရွိရင္ တရားရုံအေနနဲ.ေထာင္ဒဏ္(၁)ႏွစ္မွ(၇)အထိအေရးယူႏုိင္မည့္လုိ.သိရွိရပါသည္၊
တပ္ဆင္အာဏာရွိစဥ္ အစုိးရပုိင္ေျမမ်ားေစ်းသက္သက္သာသာျဖင့္ဝယ္ယူႏုိင္ေရးအတြက္သူ.၏ဇနီးအားကူညီခဲ့ေသာေၾကာ င့္ျပစ္မွဳထင္ရွားျပီးသူ.ကုိ ထုိင္းအထက္တရားရုံက ေထာင္ဒဏ္(၂)ႏွစ္ခ်မွတ္ထားပါသည္၊
အခုေလာေလာဆယ္တပ္ဆင္ႏွင့္ဇနီးႏွစ္ေယာက္ေဟာင္ေကာင္တြင္ေရာက္ရွိေနသည္ ဟုသတင္းထြက္ေပၚေနပါသည္၊ တပ္ဆင္မိန္.ခြန္းတြင္ေျပာၾကားမည့္အေၾကာင္းေတြကုိထုိင္းျပည္သူလူထုေတြသာမကကမၻာ.အရပ္ရပ္ကသတင္းေထာက္ မ်ားလည္စိတ္ဝင္တစားေစာင့္ၾကည့္ေနၾကပါသည္၊အစုိးရေထာက္ခံသူမ်ားႏွင့္ဆန္.က်င္သူမ်ားအၾကာထိပ္တုိက္ရင္ဆုိင္မွဳမ
Thailand's Thaksin to Phone In to Bangkok Stadium Rally Tonight
By Daniel Ten Kate
Nov. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is scheduled to speak through a telephone hookup to about 50,000 supporters at a Bangkok stadium tonight, his first live address since being convicted of corruption last month.
``The people who organize the demonstration have told him that the theme of the event would be against the coup,'' said Chaturon Chaiseng, a former member of Thaksin's party who will also address the crowd tonight. ``It will have nothing to do with him personally, or his individual problems.''
Thailand's Supreme Court found Thaksin guilty last month of helping his wife buy land from the government, his first conviction since the military ousted him in a 2006 coup. Thaksin skipped bail in August and fled to the U.K. with his wife, Pojamarn Shinawatra, who was sentenced to jail for tax evasion.
Thaksin's speech may inflame an increasingly violent political standoff between anti-government protesters who despise him and the ruling People Power Party led by Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat, the former leader's brother-in-law. The mostly middle-class People's Alliance for Democracy opposes any party linked to Thaksin and has vowed to protest until the People Power Party is out of power.
``There is no peaceful resolution to this crisis unless one side backs down,'' said Ismail Wolff, an analyst with PSA Asia, a Bangkok-based security and risk assessment consulting firm. ``History is likely to repeat itself here, and violence, it seems, is becoming increasingly inevitable.''
The People's Alliance has occupied the prime minister's office since Aug. 26. They clashed with police last month after they surrounded the Parliament building, leading to two deaths. They want Thaksin's allies ousted and seek the setting up of a new political system to water down the influence of his powerbase of poor, rural voters.
`Hitler of Thailand'
``Thaksin is the Hitler of Thailand,'' Chokchuang Chutinaton, a retired doctor and a member of the People's Alliance for Democracy, said at an anti-government rally this week. ``He has invaded our minds, our courts, the local press and 95 percent of the foreign press.''
The People Power Party, the successor to Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai, won last year's election with the help of farmers in northeast Thailand attracted to its policies of cheap health care and microcredits. The government has increased spending in rural areas to counter the effects of slowing global economic growth.
``If society is allowed to talk and really think and express its opinion, in the future most people will come to the conclusion that Thailand has to be democratic,'' former Thaksin party member Chaturon said. ``As long as there is no coup, there is no way that the People's Alliance will succeed.''
The pro-government group plans continuous rallies to counter the People's Alliance for Democracy and pre-empt any coup attempts. Thailand has had 10 coups since scrapping its absolute monarchy 76 years ago.
Thaksin also faces criminal charges over his cabinet's 2003 approval of a state-run lottery, a loan extended to Myanmar to buy equipment from his family's former business and alleged manipulation of telecommunications and tax policies for personal gain. A related civil case against him is seeking to confiscate almost $2.2 billion.
To contact the reporter on this story: Daniel Ten Kate in Bangkok at dtenkate@bloomberg.net;
့နအဖဗမာစစ္ဗိုလ္ေတြ ေျမွာက္ပင့္တိုင္းလုပ္ရင္ေတာ့ မိုက္တာဘဲ။ အဲဒီလို မိုက္တဲ့ရခိုင္ေတြ က်ေနာ္တို႔ မြန္ျပည္နယ္မွာ အမ်ားၾကီးရိွတယ္။ ရိုင္းတယ္။ ေရးျမိဳ႔နယ္ဟာ နအဖစစ္တပ္ တပ္ရင္း (၁၀)ရင္း တပ္မ တစ္မရိွတယ္။ ျမိဳ႔နယ္နဲ႔ စစ္တပ္နဲ႔က လံုး၀ကို မလုိက္ဘူး။ စစ္တပ္ေနရာအားလံုးဟာ နယ္ေျမခံ က်ေနာ္တို႔မြန္ေတြရဲ့ ႏွစ္ရွည္သီးႏွံျခံ (ေရာ္ဘာ၊အုန္း၊ကြမ္းသီး၊ဒူးရင္း၊မင္းဂြတ္၊သံပုရာ၊လယ္စသည္) မ်ားကို အတင္းအဓမၼသိမ္းထားတာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ သူတို႔မိုက္လို႔ သူတို႔ခံရတာပါ။ မိုက္တဲ့ေကာင္မွန္သမွ် အဲဒီလမ္းအတိုင္းဘဲ သြားရမွာပါ။ စိတ္ဓာတ္ေအာက္တန္းက်တဲ့ေကာင္မွန္သမွ် သူတို႔သြားလာရာလမ္းဟာ ေသျခင္းနဲ႔ ငရဲဘဲ။
October 22, 2008 2:49 AM